Palms & Cycads
Alexandra Palm
Archontophoenix Alexandrae
Alexander Palms are an attractive plant native to the rainforests of Northern Queensland.
It is widely grown as a garden and street tree and is extremely common in cultivation in south-eastern Queensland.
The Alexander palm is a tall palm, with a single grey trunk up to 30m tall.
200mm pots and 300mm pots ready soon
Cardboard Cycad
Zamia furfuracea
The Cardboard Cycad is a slow growing plant when young, but its growth accelerates after the trunk matures.
Including the leaves, the whole plant typically grows to 1.3m tall with a width of about 2m.
The leaves radiate from the center of the trunk.
This plant is easy to care for and grows best in moist, well-drained soil.
They grow well in full sun or shade, but not in constant deep shade. They are fairly salt- and drought-tolerant, but should be protected from extreme cold.
190mm-200mm pots IN STOCK
Cascade Palm
Chamaedorea Cataractarum
The Cascade Palm is a small, attractive, clumping palm, growing to about 1.5m tall with glossy dark green leaves. The palm will eventually form quite a large dense and will clump when planed outside. When planted in pots, they will only grow to 1-1.5m tall only
200mm pots IN STOCK
Foxtail Palm
Wodyetia Bifurcata
The Foxtail Palm is well known as one of the world's most popular palms. Foxtail Palms typically grows to 10m in height with a smooth, thin grey trunk. Its attractive leaves shaped like a fox's tail are long and feathered and can grow 2-3m long. The Foxtail Palms are extremely hardy and drought tolerant as well as frost tolerant. Requires watering only twice a month in summer and only once every six weeks during the colder months making the Foxtail Palm an extremely tolerant palm to grow.
300mm pots In stock
Golden Cane Palm
Dypsis Lutescens
The Golden Cane palm are one of the best and most versatile palms available. They are elegant looking palms, which are at their best in the morning sun and afternoon shade. But are well adapted to full sun.They will reach a fully grown height of around 3-5 metres, or much smaller in pots. Golden Canes have lush, bright green foliage with the fronds and stems turning bright gold.
Golden Canes make a great indoor plant in a nice bright position, and grow best in rich fertile soil, or in premium potting mix.
200mm pots In stock
Majestic Palms
Ravenea Rivularis
The Majestic palm is a large palm which can grow to 12m in height, it has a large think truck and has a feathered leaf. The Majestic palm prefers full sun and lots of water, and grows well in wet conditions.
200mm pot in stock
Rhapis Palm
Rhapis excelsa
Also known as a Lady Palm or Miniature Fan Palm.
The Rhapis Palm is a dwarf palm which is densely clustering and has a very slender reeds or bamboo. It grows to 2.5m tall and 2.5-5cm in diameter. The Rhapis Palm grows very well in shaded spots in the garden or as a decorative pot plant indoors.
200mm pots and 300mm pots ready soon
Wedding Palm
Lytocaryum Weddellianum
The Wedding Palm is unlike most palms, it has very fine beautifully arching leaves and a narrow trunk. They grow to 2m tall and prefer a shaded spot in the garden with needs regular watering and well-draining soil.
out of STOCK